Films from the Field
A how-to-guide for exploring the global Jewish experience through film
An Entwine at Home Toolkit
Welcome to JDC Entwine’s Films from the Field Toolkit! We put together this toolkit to help you gather friends, watch and discuss some global films, and Entwine-ify your evening. This toolki has everything you need to host a fun and engaging screening with some of our favorite global Jewish films. In addition to film recommendations, we have background info to help you frame the films, popcorn recipes that bring together tastes and flavors from around the world, and more. So put your feet up, nosh on some popcorn, and explore these global Jewish stories!
How do I use this?
Like our other JDC Entwine at Home Toolkits, use this toolkit in a way that makes the most sense for you and your friends. We’ve divided the toolkit into four steps parts:
Just like on our Insider Trips, we’ve got the global Jewish content covered. We’ve recommended a few feature films and a few short films that explore different Jewish themes and stories from Jewish communities around the world. For each film, we’ve also created a Country Guide with relevant information about the country and the Jewish community in which the film is set.
For planning and hosting the event, keep it your style. Invite some people over the way you would for the Oscars or a Bachelor watch party. It’s up to you whether that’s a handful of close friends casually on the couch or a full red carpet event. You do you!
Questions? Reach out to us at jdcentwine@jdc.org.
Share your photos of your decorations, food, and friends at your watch party on social media with #jdcentwine and #filmsfromthefield
Choose a Film
The centerpiece of any film night is a good film! Some of our favorites are below, along with a few details about each film. There are stories from Cuba, Hungary, France, Ethiopia, Russia, and Poland, each of which touches on different themes.
Most of these films are available on Netflix, Amazon, YouTube, making it easy for you to gain access. There are a few films we’ve purchased screening licenses for, so if you see the Email for Access button, use that to reach out to us for an access code. We want this to be as easy as possible for you! Ok, let’s dive in. Watch a few trailers, take a look at the Country Guides, and consider what you might want to watch at your party.
A few questions to guide you…
Do you have a personal or family connection to any of the places/communities in the film?
Are any of the themes important to you and your life?
Have you traveled to any of the countries with JDC Entwine?
Feature Films
Cuba and the Cameraman
Watch full film on Netflix (114 min)
Follows filmmaker Jon Alpert’s multi-decade engagement with Cuba’s people and its government through the lens of three Cuban families.
Themes: Communism, Economic development, Family history
Places: Cuba
The Return
Email Entwine for access code (83 min)
A generation of young Jews in Poland who attempt to understand their country’s Jewish history and their own Jewish identity after the collapse of communism.
Themes: Anti-semitism, Family history, National identity
Places: Poland
Keep Quiet
Watch full film on YouTube (96 min)
The story of an anti-Semitic far-right politician’s astonishing transformation after finding out he is Jewish.
Themes: Anti-Semitism, family history, national identity
Places: Hungary
Short Films
Joe’s Violin
Watch full film on YouTube (24 min)
An Academy Award Nominee for Documentary Short Subject brings together 91-year-old Holocaust survivor Joe Feingold and 12-year-old Bronx student Brianna Perez, through the tale of a violin.
Themes: Education, Holocaust legacy
Places: Poland, United States
Making the Crooked Straight
Watch full film on Amazon (29 min)
The story of Dr. Rick Hodes, JDC’s Medical Director in Ethiopia, who holds clinic in the basement of a crowded public hospital, treating patients with spinal deformities and heart disease, as well as a variety of other rare medical issues.
Themes: Healthcare, Human rights, Poverty and assistance
Places: Ethiopia, Israel
And Then, Violence
Email Entwine for access code (14 min)
The story of a secular, Jewish, Parisian law student who questions her identity in the aftermath of the 2015 January Paris terror attacks and in a growingly anti-Semitic context.
Themes: Anti-Semitism, Jewish identity
Places: France
2. Plan a Discussion
Now it’s time to start planning for the discussion you’ll lead about the film. Use the Country Guide for your film, your personal experience, and our discussion questions below to guide you.
Give some background
Before the film starts, share some background people might need to know as they watch (hint: use your film’s Country Guide above for some ideas). You can also explore JDC’s Archives for some incredible historical photos to share.
Share your story
What inspired you to host this film screening? What motivated you to select this film? What resonated with you about the film? Have you traveled to the country featured in the film?
Share some photos from your experience. The more you connect your guests with your experience, the more comfortable they’ll be sharing their own. Ask your guests if they have experiences or connections to any of these stories featured in the films.
Discussion Questions
Use these questions to discuss the film afterwards. Encourage people in the room to ask their own questions and share their impressions of the film.
Does anyone have any personal connection to these communities? Share your experiences or stories if you didn’t do this before the film!
What are some themes that arose for you? How do they connect to your life and experience?
What questions are on your mind about this country or its Jewish community?
What surprised you about the film? What commonalities and differences do you have with those in the film?
3. Plan the Party
Alright, it’s your time to shine! Start imagining how you’d like this night to look and feel. Below are some tips to get you started.
Keep It Casual
Call it a film screening, a watch party, a movie night…whatever it is, make it your own! No need for anything formal. Invite some friends over, have some snacks and drinks ready, hang out, and enjoy the film.
Add Flair
Bring your space to life and add some country-themed decorations to highlight the country you will be exploring. Put Ethiopian flag toothpicks in the cupcakes or hang a Cuban flag pennant banner over the TV. If you’re really brave, teach people how to fold origami Eiffel Towers for your Parisian film night.
Pinterest is an amazing resource for getting ideas. Just make sure you tell a friend what you’re up to in case you get sucked into Pinterest’s gravitational field and disappear for days on end. It’s been known to happen.
Nothing brings people together quite like food. Snacks from the country you’ll watch in film are an easy and delicious way to get people excited to watch. They’re also a great conversation starter, especially if you can share a personal connection to the food you’re serving.
Grab some fried plantains for your Cuban-themed film night or pierogis for your Polish screening party!
And is it really a film night without popcorn? Try these global popcorn recipes! We recommend making enough for everyone to eat an ill-advised amount, and if you end up with some leftovers...that’s not so bad. You can use our popcorn estimating chart below:
4. Host Your Event
Use our event checklist below or download it as a PDF to make sure you don’t miss anything on the night of your event.
Event Checklist
☐ Cue up your film and test it to make sure it works
☐ Decorate and add flair to your living room
☐ Make popcorn and prep snacks
☐ Jot down a few notes from your film’s Country Guide to share for context
☐ Have your discussion questions handy
☐ Review your Entwine story
☐ Engage guests in a discussion about the film
☐ Snap some pics (and share them using #jdcentwine and #filmsfromthefield)
☐ Have fun!
And that’s it! Watch, nosh, kibitz, and have fun!
Remember to share your photos of your decorations, your food, and friends at your watch party on social media with #jdcentwine and #filmsfromthefield